History - Professionalism - Showmanship
Amongst the countless jousting shows available today, none can
match the level of entertainment, historical knowledge, dedication,
skill, professionalism and showmanship that is the hallmark of every
Crescent appearance. Quality and pride are the cornerstone of the
Order of the Crescent- from their gleaming steel armours, colourful
banners and horse caparisons to their impeccably tailored historical
costumes, no aspect of showmanship is overlooked. |
Members of the Crescent are history professionals
from every discipline - museum curator, armourer, medieval horsemen,
historical tailor. Most are trained historical interpreters and
actors who love history, and know how to engage the public
to make the past come alive in the most entertaining and engaging
way. |
Perhaps the most critical element of the mix
are the knight’s
competitive spirit. The knights and their steeds love to compete
and that passion translates into electrifying competition that keeps
fans on the edge of their seat from the thrilling moment the knights
parade in, till the crack of the last heart-stopping lance shatter.
From start to finish, The Crescent delivers entertainment worthy
of the thunderous applause they inspire. |